Welcome to Ashbrook School


Ashbrook Primary School is a full primary school (5 year olds to 13 year olds).  We welcome and encourage parent participation and active involvement in all aspects of school life. 
Our vision is to develop our students, staff, parents and whānau to be RIICH in attitude and actions. Our school values are the result of in-depth community consultation and reflect our community's aspirations for our children.
The RIICH acronym encourages our learners to be:
Respectful/Manaaki – we respect self, others and our environment. Identity/Tuakiritanga, we know who we are and where we come from and Integrity/Ngakau Pono, we do things honourably. Challenge/Te Whero, we challenge ourselves and encourage our thinking and actions.   And lastly, and as important as the other values, we are Honest/Whakapono at all times, even when its hard. 

We are a PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning) School and we encourage positive behaviour across the school through our School Houses, RICH Certificates, and use Restorative Process to challenge behaviour and be respectful with our discussions with students.  
Ashbrook Primary is part of the Opotiki Kāhui Akō (Community of Learning) meaning that we share best teaching and learning practice and experience across our community of education providers and collectively work within the community to achieve shared goals.

Our most recent ERO Report (2020) concluded; there have been some significant changes to staffing across the school, good systems are in place to promote student safety and wellbeing, and there are close and supportive relationships among students, staff and parents being developed. Students achieve very well, and targeted programmes cater for those achieving below expected levels. ERO is likely to carry out the next review in four-to-five years.

We are excited about continuing our successful journey with you. We look forward to welcoming you to school events, assemblies, class trips, community meetings and information evenings. We encourage your involvement as classroom helpers, BOT members, sports coaches and managers and in contributing to school reviews, surveys and school fundraisers. Most importantly, thank you for you involvement with your child and for having your child/ren prepared for school - spending quality time with them, reading to them, having them at school on time, ensuring that their uniforms are named, supporting them with homework, sport and extracurricular activities and for being your child’s number one advocate.

"Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, Engari he toa takitini.
Success is not the work of one but the work of many".

Nau mai haere mai - welcome to our school!
Ngā mihi nui
Sean Moore 
Dip Tchg, B.Ed, Postgrad Dip. Ed. Leadership. 

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Elite Turkish Cafe - Ashbrook School Lowes Hire & Engineering - Ashbrook School SEEKA - Ashbrook School

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